Architecture + Space

IWMW is an architecture firm run by two sisters, Inwha and Myoungwha in Seoul, South Korea. They founded the company with an interest and affection for the daily environment, and have been working on buildings, interiors and participating in exhibitions since 2017.


#501, 217, Mallijae-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul
- Email: info@iwmw.kr

- Phone: +82 2 715 1677

- 화성시 송산 마을어울림센터 설계공모, 당선, Design Competition for Hwaseong Songsan Community Center, Winner, Collaboration: sommm associates, 2024
- 화성시 송산 리본센터 설계공모, 수상, Design Competition for Hwaseong Songsan RE;born Center, Awarded, Collaboration: sommm associates, 2024
- 전주 복합문화센터 설계공모, 수상, Design Competition for Jeonju Cultural Center, Awarded, 2021

*Inwha Paik (IW)

She is a registered architect in The Netherlands. Studied Architecture at Hongik University, South Korea, and TU Delft, the Netherlands, from 2005 to 2015. She was adjunct professor at Hongik university and lecturer at Kongju University.

*Myoungwha Paik (MW)

She is a registered architect in Korea. Studied Architecture at Myongji University, South Korea from 2006 to 2011. She worked at JYA-rchitects in Seoul from 2013 to 2016, participating in the design of renovation, housing and schools.